
we got you

Recommended Reading

Sometimes you just want to hear from someone who’s been in your shoes. This page is a compilation of articles from around the web that have spoken to us in times of both hardship and celebration. If you have one to add, let us know!

Mentor Wives Network

COMING SOON! The Mentor Wives Network was created to provide a one-on-one resource for those questions and topics only other law enforcement wives can understand. Browse the mentor profiles to find the person you think is right for you.

Wellness Resources

Check out our growing list of general and agency-specific wellness resources. Have something to add? Let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does SDLEO Wives distribute funds raised? What are the benefits of membership? Those questions and more are answered here.

Friendly Vendors

Take some of the guesswork out of the equation before you hire your next vendor by perusing our LE-friendly list.

What else would you like to see from us?

Send us an email at to let us know.

Creating a safe place for San Diego County law enforcement wives to support their spouses and one another